
Construction and Real Estate Professionals

Geobear has the answers to your questions about foundation issues and subsidence.

Our pro+ program is designed to help professionals in real estate, construction, and property management get the resources they need to help their clients treat subsidence, settlement, voids, and other ground problems.

Why join the Geobear pro+ program?

Geobear’s pro+ program is designed to help professionals like you get expedited service, educational resources, and support when you need it. It’s free to join and takes just minutes to sign up. You’ll get access to special services and resources just for professionals:

  • Priority Site Investigations
  • Discounted Site Analysis Reports
  • Dedicated Expert Contact
  • Professional-Focused Webinars or Lunch and Learns
  • Private Training Sessions for Your Team
  • Educational Downloads for You and Your Customers
  • Regular Monthly Emails with Educational Resources

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